Clown Newsletters

There are a few clowns who publish regular email newsletters with valuable information for clowns. My personal favorite is Mooseburger Newz, which is sent out once a month by Tricia Manuel, aka Pricilla Mooseburger. Each newsletter has an article or tips for clowns along with information about Moose Camp and sale items at Pricilla Mooseburger Originals.

Another good email newsletter is sent out by Bruce “Charlie” Johnson. In his newsletter, he sends out his “Thought For The Week”.

The Red Nose Response also has a regular newsletter. Their newsletter has information about Red Nose Response and stories about how members got involved in supporting their community after a disaster.

I am sure there are more email newsletters. I just haven’t found them all. One that may be of interest to clowns who visit hospitals is the A Heart 4 Clowning Hospital Clown e-Newsletter.


  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Mike! :o)
    I’m leaving this comment to let you and your readers know that we will be changing the Mooseburger Newz delivery format a bit. The official switch from Webstyler to Constant Contact will take place in June. We will have details on our Facebook page ( as well as the next newsletter. Thanks for subscribing – we are so glad you enjoy the content!
    Have a great day and keep smiling! :o)

  2. I love clowns. I would like some tips on how to become one at my local circus. Also, I have a lot of costumes due to my private life.

  3. Avatar Rett Varner says:

    I really want to enjoy my passion for being a clown but I do not know where to start, any thoughts?

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