It is almost time for International Clown Week. It is always the 1st week in August (August 1-7) and it is a time where clowns try to go out and give back to their community. Many clowns will volunteer their time and talents one or more days during clown week.
International Clown Week
August 1-7 of every year
Whereas clowns have long been known as ambassadors of joy and good will and bring happiness to both joy and good will and bring happiness both to children and adults and
Where as: In recognition to the charitable activities of clowns and the wholesome entertainment they provide for all of our citizens: “International Clown Week” has been proclaimed for the week of August 1 thru August 7, 2009, and Now there for we, at Just For Clowns proclaim the week of August 1 thru 7 “International Clown Week.”
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