Big Top Parade

Mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual Big Top Parade in Baraboo, WI on Saturday, July 26, 2014. The Big Top Parade planning committee in is seeking circus performers past and present as well as clowns, marching bands, horses, other animals, as well as float entries and sponsors. Spend the entire weekend in Baraboo! The Big Top Parade is part of the four day-long Circus Celebration Days, presented by Downtown Baraboo, Inc. and the Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce.

Big Top Parade
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Baraboo, WI

Baraboo, Wisconsin will celebrate its stupendous, colossal circus heritage on Saturday, July 26, 2014 with a day of family-friendly festivities in the heart of the historic downtown retail district. The highlight of the day will be an old-fashioned, circus and community Baraboo Big Top Parade at 2:00 p.m., featuring antique circus wagons from Circus World Museum. In 2013, Smithsonian Magazine named Baraboo, the historic home of the Ringling Bros. Circus, as the 4th Best Small Town to Visit in America. For more information, contact the Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce at (608) 356-8333 or visit

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  1. Avatar Brett Rossi says:

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