COAI Director of Conventions

I got an email from COAI about a vacancy in the position of COAI Director of Conventions…

Due to health reasons, the position of COAI Director of Conventions has become vacant. If you are interested in becoming the Director of Conventions for COAI (finishing the present term ending June 30, 2014), please Email or snail mail a letter of interest along with your qualifications to Glenn Kohlberger, COAI President and Mike Cox, COAI Executive Vice President at:

Glenn Kohlberger
4155 Torres Circle
West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Mike Cox
9415 Alameda Ave.
Richmond, VA 23294

This is a volunteer COAI officer’s position with voting rights on the COAI board of directors. (Below you will find the duties of that position originally described in the November/December issue of the New Calliope volume 28, number 6):

The Director of Conventions is responsible for working with any and all alleys that desire to submit a bid for future conventions; works directly with alleys that have been awarded the convention(s); maintains convention criteria: coordinates and oversees the convention competitions.

Requirements for consideration for the position of COAI Director of Conventions:

  1. You must be in good standing and a member of COAI for two years prior to this appointment.
  2. You must submit a declaration of your interest for the position of Director of Conventions to the COAI President and Vice President by email. (; )
  3. Submit a non-clown photo (at the highest megapixels available to you)
  4. Email or snail mail must be received by April 1, 2013
  5. A nominee is not eligible if he or she is a voting officer of any National or International clown oriented association. This does not apply to regional or local clown associations such as your local alley.
  6. Only one member of a family shall serve on the Board at one time

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