On July 1, 2013 membership dues to Clowns of America International (COAI) will increase by $5.00 to $45.00/year. You can save that $5.00 by renewing prior to July 1, 2013. You can securely renew your membership on the COAI Website: http://www.coai.org/.
- Sign In
- Click on Membership Info located on the right side.
- Click on Securely renew your membership now.
- Then just work through the screens. After clicking on your membership type, the screen will refresh and you’ll get the additional family members block. Put in the number of family members you have. If you have no additional family members you need to put 0 in the box.
- Then select either Bill Me or pay with your credit card. If you select Bill Me then we will send you an invoice through email. Simply print out the the invoice and send it in with your check.
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