The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Clowns visited Chick-fil-A Ridley and Springfield

Video by Delco News Network

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Clowns visited Chick-fil-A Ridley and Springfield tonight to promote the Greatest Show on Earth’s last and final appearance in Philadelphia. Feb 17-21. Chick-fil-A has sponsored the circus for 5 years

Lindsay the Clown from Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus
Video by Kelle Pressley-Perkins

Commercial: Would You Trust a Clown?

The final commercial release for PrintingHouse Press’s 2017 “Would You Trust an Amateur” campaign.

Robot Clown

This guy knows how to move. Video posted by Samir Artist

Dialdirect Insurance – Clown at a funeral

Commercial for Dialdirect
Published on Jan 19, 2017

We make sure you always have complete insurance clarity, so that you can always be certain about your cover. We believe you should never question if you are covered correctly, and that insuring your items should be as easy as a click, a tap, or a dial. The correct address matters. Our app and online portal means you can easily update your address and stay covered.

WAVY Archive: 1980 Ringling Brothers Clown College-Auditions

Ringling Bros. Circus to Close After 146 Years

Published on Jan 14, 2017

AP Exclusive: The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will end ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’ in May, following a 146-year run. The AP learned declining attendance combined with high operating costs are among the reasons for closing. (Jan. 14)

Treccani Clown Commercial – Spot Treccani Pagliaccio

Bun Fun International Clown Festival

Organiser: Red Nose Production Limited

Fun With Clowns at Inorbit

Fun like never seen before. The International Clown Fest live at Inorbit Malls in 5 locations Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Gujarat, Bangalore and Hyderabad for 10 whole days! Clown Gags, awesome workshops and most of all, some unforgettable memories.

The Clown Face Registry of the UK

Video by Great Big Story

In England there is an official registry to document and track a clown’s unique makeup. Just as no two people have the same look, no two clowns wear the exact same makeup. No joke, there is even a person responsible for painting every face onto a tiny ceramic egg.

Great Big Story is a video network dedicated to the untold, overlooked & flat-out amazing. Humans are capable of incredible things & we’re here to tell their stories. When a rocket lands in your backyard, you get in.