Do you subscribe to Pricilla Mooseburger’s weekly newsletter? You can subscribe on the Mooseburger Website. Last week’s newsletter included a blog post that proposes a “Clown Summit” to combat coulrophobia (the fear of clowns), educate the uninformed public about the consequences of masquerading as “fake clowns”, and defend #REALCLOWNS.
Below, I am sharing Pricilla’s post to help spread the word. Original posted at The Clown Summit at Mooseburger Camp
The Clown Summit at Mooseburger Camp
Recently at the Clowns of America International convention I made an exciting announcement.
You see, I have been struggling to come up with an idea since the movement away from clowns being a source of joy to something frightening. I have been a clown since 1980. All these years of teaching, costuming, and performing have been a real blessing.
I feel so close to the clown community because I talk to you every day. It might be about a wig, or a make-up issue, you may share a fun performance idea or what is going on in your local club. You have also shared with me your frustrations and disappointments. You called when you were asked not to wear your make-up, were told you were no longer welcome because “kids are afraid”, when a lucrative business became not so lucrative anymore.
I was saddened, angered, and frustrated on your behalf.
Please forgive me if I have become possessive and protective when it comes to “my clowns” as I fondly call you.
I am not the kind of person to throw up their hands and say “Okay, that’s just the way it is!”
Too much joy and happiness is at stake.
It is true: I was in the ranks of the truly discouraged — until recently.
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