Real Magician Vs. Clown Magician | Rising Wand

Magical Matty shares another video showing two ways to perform a magic trick.
Magical Matty and Soda-Pop McBop the Clown compare and contrast how a real magician might do a trick, and how a clown might do the same trick. The self rising wand magic trick.

Patch Adams Presents: How to Start a Clown Group

Video by Patch Adams:
Hello friends! A short video today to respond to a question I get often: how do I start a Clown Group? This video is split into two parts. The simplest answer is to be your clown self! If you goof around, people will join you in your goofiness.

In My Life – Ringling Bros. Circus Clowns Backstage 1983

Video by Nic Beery

VHS footage featuring the World’s Greatest Clowns. 1983, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Red Unit. Filmed backstage, mostly.
Featuring Nic Beery, Bob Hunt, Greg Mooney, Brian Baldini, Kip Reynolds, David Berman, Paul Wray, Caren Hockenberry, Bob Lloyd, Stephanie Parks, Colleen Linnehan, Peggy King, Mark Ravioli McGuire, Dinny McGuire, David Heim, Sean Cash, Lenny Roll, Chris silks, Dan Looker, Wayne Sidley, John Russell, Teresa Nye.
Music performed by Grahame Davies
Film Produced by Beery Media, LLC 2017

My Ringling Brothers Circus Clown Days…1979-82

Video by shugemery

Had to dig some stuff out of the attic and found a bunch of my Ringling Brother and Barnum and Bailey’s Circus photos and a couple of video clips. Wow….over 30 years ago!!!
Met my wife Meg whilst on the show and the two of us are still together. We got a kick out of looking at the pictures. We were young once)))))
Found video of Charlie Frye and myself working the ring solo. Charlie was and still is the most talented feller I know. Check him out.
Many pictures from performing on the arena floor and backstage and on the circus train. Living on the train…..Meg and I still talk about that after all these years,
Hope you enjoy looking at this if so inclined. I and we thankee.
Shug/Sean/ Roid the Clown
Clown College 1979
Ringling Red Show 1980-82

Steve Ashlee: Clown College

Video by Steve Ashlee

Ringling Videos by Clefttheboy CHINWonder

Clefttheboy CHINWonder shared this videos on YouTube

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Bicycle Gag
Here’s the very rare Bicycle Gag from the 123rd Edition of RBBB which celebrated 200 years of circus in America! There is also a glimpse into Clown Alley

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College
Take a behind the scenes look at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College! This feature was part of the video program book for RBBB’s 123rd Edition

David Larible and The Chicago Kidz
Check out The Chicago Kidz’ act featuring the Clown of Clowns David Larible from the 123rd Edition of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey!

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey: The Clown of Clowns David Larible
The spotlight is on David Larible as he goes out into the audience and performs various gags for the 123rd Edition of The Greatest Show on Earth!

Being a clown in 2018 ‘We may be down, but we’re not out

Video by WalshPhoto

WGXA at the American Clown Academy

American Clown Academy 2.0 Georgia WGXA ABC 24 Report
Video by WalshPhoto
This is the wonderful reporting done by WGXA. Please go to their website for other great stories that they cover!!!

Mooseburger Camp 2018

Video by Pricilla Mooseburger

Day 1 & 2

Day 3

Clown’s Best Friend

Video by Justin Baker